Becoming a better person

How to become a better person:

We are born into this world as a baby who has to learn literally everything to survive as we grow up. But we never really stop growing up. We nurture and develop into our better selves every single day. Along this road, we meet different kinds of people and get to know different souls. At a point in our life, we ponder over the reasons for our creation. We rise, we fall and yet we learn to get up again. We come to know that the purpose of our life is to become the better versions of selves and develop from the ghosts of our previous selves. How is it possible then? How can we strive to become a better person? A better human being? More productive? Well here are some simple… not necessarily rules, but ways to become a better person.


Your development starts inside of you. It requires you to function and think properly and have a good level of understanding and perspective. So the first thing is fixing yourself. Noticing your flaws and trying to overcome them.


You cannot develop and nurture unless you are okay. We all are struggling, striving. Some of us are heartbroken. So we have to mend ourselves, heal our inner selves, understand ourselves and then work on ourselves. But working on a person who is mentally and emotionally not well will lead to nowhere.


Think positive! Life brings us to situations that leave us confused and strangled, but the only way to get through it is to look on the bright side. To see what good is this situation bringing in us and our lives.


As Cinderella’s mother said, “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” Life is already harsh enough for everyone. The way to make it a little better is being kind. To others, to yourself.


Your eating habits greatly affect your way of thinking and performing in your life. Make sure you eat healthy and maintain a good and balanced diet. Your mood swings will automatically fall into place.


Being a good person involves being a good listener. When people come to you to share their problems, make sure you are all ears. Listen to them closely; make them feel that their words do matter to you.


A good person is honest, no matter what. He does not sugarcoat anything, rather they stay honest to anyone without thinking of their interest and does what needs to be done.


Do not judge! Be supportive of people associated with you. Encourage them to do what is right or to follow their heart or to pursue their passion.


Instead of cracking up like a firework, try to be humble and gentle. BE welcoming towards people and make them feel good about themselves.


Many think that having a good apparel is a shallow approach, but actually studies show that people who take care of how they look are increasingly more happy.


Always take care of your responsibilities. Remember to fulfill your promises, to take out the trash, to take care of your family. Be considerate about your responsibilities.

Here were some tips to be a better person. Hope it was helpful!